Rest In Peace Barefoot Sammy. You will always be looking down on us.
Living with joy is the ultimate life hack. I have not posted in a couple of weeks because I have been grieving the loss of my sons’ special friend and putting pretty pictures of fun projects felt frivolous. Grief for many seems to have a ripple effect where you revisit other losses, rewind and replay so many moments and have mental conversations about all the things left unsaid. While I am no expert on this topic, I am simply sharing what I think is worth sharing.
Navigating the loss of someone so young and helping my son through his grief has been incredibly hard. Death is part of the life circle and it can be life affirming for those left behind. But when we lose someone with such a BRIGHT light, it really rocks us at our core. To help my son move through his grief, I asked him to write his friend a letter or make a list of all the things that he learned about life from him. The letter served as a powerful reminder that we should not leave words left unsaid. More importantly, the letter sparked a conversation with myself because his words so eloquently captured different times and spaces that it made me feel that his friend will always be with him…. and I believe he will.
Lately, I read so much about all the “things” we are eliminating because they don’t spark joy. My conversation has taken a new turn as I am looking at all the people in my life that spark joy with the intention of writing them a letter, just like the one my son wrote, letting them know what they bring into my life which gives me grace. The best part of this process is that I hold space for that person while thinking about all the things I want to write to them which is like sending a prayer of gratitude into the universe. This is only my second week of sending the lists, but I plan to make this part of my weekly ritual.
The reality is that while I spend my days creating beautiful backdrops for people, it is the hope for laughter and smiles and content in a safe space that bring me so much joy in my endeavors. I hope today you’ll write just one letter or make a list of the people in your own life which bring you joy. Don’t forget to hit send. You never know how one kind word could change their day, week, year or life. Life is short, be kind, and hack away at creating a bright spot in somebody’s life today and every day.